Canadian Biomass Magazine

2015 State of Canada’s Forests report now available!

February 19, 2016
By NRCan

February 19, 2016 - The 2015 State of Canada’s Forests report is now available from Natural Resources Canada (as a PDF download).

This year marks the 25th edition of this annual report, which is a reliable source of national, forest-related statistics and science-based information. The report has updated statistics on Canada’s forests and important information on Canada’s world-leading sustainable forest management practices.

By providing Canadians with access to social, environmental and economic information on Canada’s forests and forest sector, Natural Resources Canada and the Canadian Forest Service are supporting sound decision-making and informed public discussion. The report also demonstrates Canada’s long-standing commitment to openness and transparency.

To download your copy click on: State of Canada’s Forests 2015.

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