Canadian Biomass Magazine

Atlantic Biorefinery Conference calls for presentations

February 23, 2017
By Atlantic Biorefinery Conference

Feb. 23, 2017 - The Atlantic Biorefinery Conference is seeking applications for presentations in the areas of biorefining and bioprocessing.

Have you been part of the design and/or implementation of a biorefinery? Are you a business or public policy expert with insights into emerging trends and technologies? Are you conducting research or building a business around transforming natural resources, adding value to waste streams, or improving efficiencies in current bioprocesses?

We want you to apply present at the 2017 Atlantic Biorefinery Conference!

About the Opportunity:

  • Share your knowledge with colleagues
  • Form strategic business and research partnerships
  • Receive a free delegate pass to the 2017 Atlantic Biorefinery Conference
  • Your travel and accommodations will be free-of-charge (some conditions apply)
  • Application deadline: March 16th, 2017

All details and application guidelines can be found on the conference website.

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