Canadian Biomass Magazine

12 Manitoba biomass projects get boost from feds, province

January 20, 2016
By Cleantech Canada

January 20, 2016 - The Manitoba and Canadian governments are looking to help the prairie province kick coal.

The two tiers of government have announced they will provide up to $500,000 in funding for 12 biomass fuel projects across the province.

“There are renewable energy resources readily available for use as biomass energy sources,” said Ron Kostyshyn, Manitoba’s Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. “By increasing our capacity to make and use green energy we are reducing carbon emissions in Manitoba while promoting the growth of new industry.”

Among the proposals selected to receive funding are two projects to convert a coal-fired heating systems to biomass and funding for new equipment for Southeast Pallet and Wood Products in Blumenort, Man. which will allow the company to double its annual biomass processing capacity.

The program is funded partly through Manitoba’s Coal Tax, and like other biofuel programs across the country aims to promote the growing industry as well as reduce emissions.

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