Canadian Biomass Magazine

7 finalists selected for World Bioenergy Award

May 10, 2010
By World Bioenergy Association

May 10, 2010 – The World Bioenergy Award is awarded to an individual business leader, politician, or researcher who has furthered the development of the bioenergy sector in a significant way.

May 10, 2010 – The World Bioenergy Award is awarded to an individual business
leader, politician, or researcher who has furthered the development of the
bioenergy sector in a significant way. The award is a sign that the
achievements of this person are of outstanding importance to the field of
bioenergy use. A total of 90 nominations were submitted, representing all
continents and 19 countries, as well as a broad range of professional areas.

a voting process, seven of the nominees are listed as the finalists for the
World Bioenergy Award 2010. One winner will be announced on May 25 during the
opening plenary session of World Bioenergy 2010. The nominees represent the
following countries: Brazil, Canada, Finland, India, New Zealand, Sweden, and USA.
The jury for the World Bioenergy Award is the World Bioenergy Association Board
and the organizers of World Bioenergy 2010.

here to read more about the nominees:

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