Canadian Biomass Magazine

AI Bio launches new funding program

September 16, 2015
By Alberta Innovates Bio Solutions

September 16, 2015 - Alberta Innovates Bio Solutions (AI Bio) has launched a new funding program, "Alberta Bio Future, Research and Innovation," aimed at advancing knowledge that accelerates growth of new bioindustrial products or bioindustrial technologies for the benefit of Albertans.

Discovery and developmental research are strategic priorities of Alberta Bio Future (ABF) – AI Bio’s flagship bioindustrial program.

Bioindustrial products from Alberta – derived from sustainable agricultural or forest biomass – are already being used in several sectors, including the personal care, chemical and energy industries, as well as construction and manufacturing. These bioproducts are helping to meet the world’s growing demand for green solutions; they have desirable qualities for the manufacture of goods and materials while also being environmentally friendly.

“Alberta is a prime location for a thriving bioeconomy. We have abundant, renewable agriculture and forest resources, advanced infrastructure and highly qualified personnel,” noted Steve Price, CEO of AI Bio. “But this is an emerging field into new areas of science. More investigation is required to increase basic knowledge, and to learn how to take concepts out of the lab and turn them into new industrial bioproducts and biotechnologies.”

The ABF Research and Innovation program has a total $4.5 million in available funding. Project funding amounts will be determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the quality and scope of the project. In addition to funding, AI Bio assists researchers and companies with advice and connections.

Researchers, companies or industry groups based in Alberta, and researchers conducting projects that benefit Alberta, are invited to apply by submitting a Letter of Intent. The deadline is Oct. 28, 2015 at 4 p.m. MT. Eligibility requirements and other important details are available at

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