Canadian Biomass Magazine

Alberta companies get bio-refining money

March 3, 2012
By Scott Jamieson

Mar. 3, 2012 - Edmonton, AB - Three companies in Edmonton’s nascent bio-refining sector are receiving a $4-million boost to help take products developed from crop and forest biomass and municipal waste to the marketplace.

Ceapro Inc., Radient Technologies Inc. and TerraVerdae BioWorks beat
out about 30 other Alberta companies to receive grants from Alberta
Innovates Bio Solutions (AI Bio) according to a report in the Calgary Herald. The provincial government agency funds
science and technology in energy, health, environment, agriculture and

The funding over the next three years will assist commercialization efforts, including production and technological scale up.

“These companies are ones that are using unique kinds of technologies
to produce the kinds of products that expand the portfolio of
bio-products,” AI Bio CEO Stan Blade said Monday.

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