Canadian Biomass Magazine

Alberta extends bioenergy credit program

March 26, 2010
By Canadian Biomass

Mar. 26, 2010, Edmonton – The Alberta government is expanding and extending an incentive program for producers of bioenergy products.

26, 2010, Edmonton – The Alberta government is expanding and extending an
incentive program for producers of bioenergy products. Funding under the
Bioenergy Producer Credit Program is extended for five years until 2016. The
program provides incentives to develop a wide variety of bioenergy products,
including fuels, power, and heat, which will support the Renewable Fuels
Standard to be implemented in April 2011.

Renewable Fuels Standard establishes benchmarks for five per cent renewable
alcohol in gasoline and two per cent renewable diesel in diesel fuel. This
standard is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about one million
tonnes annually by promoting renewable fuels production and consumption in

current bioenergy program treats all ethanol equally. The extended program
focuses on the great potential for second-generation ethanol, which uses
feedstocks like forestry, agricultural, and municipal wastes. Specifically, the
program will encourage the development of new technologies and facilities that
use non-food crops, waste biomass, or wood. The program should provide
value-added opportunities and long-term stability to Alberta’s agriculture and
forestry industries.

for the Government of Alberta’s bioenergy webpage.

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