Canadian Biomass Magazine

Atlantic Canada bioenergy association launched

February 22, 2011
By Atlantic Council for Bioenergy Cooperative


Atlantic Canada bioenergy association launched
The bioenergy industry in Atlantic Canada has a new voice: the Atlantic Council for Bioenergy Co-operative.

Feb. 22, 2011 – The bioenergy industry in
Atlantic Canada has a new voice. The Atlantic Council for Bioenergy Cooperative
(ACBC) is a collective of stakeholders and representatives working together to
promote the development of a sustainable bioenergy industry in Atlantic Canada,
including biofuels, biomass, and biogas.

The Canadian Renewable Fuels Regulations
came into effect on December 15, 2010, requiring an average of 5% renewable
content in gasoline across Canada. On February 11, 2011, the Canadian
government announced that it will proceed with regulations requiring diesel
fuel and heating oil to include 2% biofuel. Implementation of these standards,
combined with new industry development in biomass and biogas, make the time
right for ACBC.

ACBC will operate as a pan-Atlantic
association working with all provincial, municipal, and First Nations governments
in addition to the federal government and existing national biofuels and
bioenergy industry associations. ACBC will collaborate with research facilities
and educational institutions, keeping members informed of new technologies and
developments. Public meetings, community presentations, and media relations
will help ACBC promote information and policy initiatives advantageous to the
continued development of the bioenergy industry.

First and foremost, ACBC will focus on
speaking with as many stakeholders as possible to attract new members and put
the association in a strong position to lead this evolving industry for
Atlantic Canada. ACBC welcomes input and participation from anyone affiliated
to the bioenergy industry who is interested in playing a part in its future.

"The creation of an industry
association is critical for progressive, positive development in the bioenergy
industry, in order to take greater advantage of the opportunities here in this
region," says Stephen Davies, chair of the ACBC board of directors.
"This new association will give us the vehicle to speak directly and
collectively on how Atlantic Canada can carve out its share of the economic and
environmental benefits in the emerging green economy."

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