Canadian Biomass Magazine

Bioenergy business opportunity in Revelstoke

May 21, 2014
By Canadian Biomass

May 21, 2014, Revelstoke, B.C. – The City of Revelstoke is pushing forward its plan to investigate the possibility of bringing a wood waste to biomass facility to the community according to information obtained by Canadian Biomass.

May 21, 2014, Revelstoke, B.C. – The City of Revelstoke is
pushing forward its plan to investigate the possibility of bringing a wood
waste to biomass facility to the community according to information obtained by Canadian Biomass.


According to John Christie, the consultant who made the
original pitch to Revelstoke council, “Revelstoke is a particularly interesting
site for bioenergy, having a small successful thermal district energy system,
access to substantial biomass supplies, having a city-owned tree farm license,
and home to the Downie Sawmill.”


The pre-survey invitation is looking to collect the
information of interested companies that would like to be part of the RFEOI
moving forward:


The City of Revelstoke will be soliciting proposals through
an RFEOI Request For Expression Of Interest later
this year. This is a preliminary invitation to determine that there will be sufficient
interest on the part of proponents, to proceed with that RFEOI. Revelstoke has
gained experience with bioenergy through its implementation of a biomass fueled
district energy system that operates successfully serving several customers in
the City core. Revelstoke is also the owner/operator of an 88,000 m3 AAC tree
farm license and it is the home of a large lumber operation, Downie Timber Ltd.
When the current biomass availability study is completed, it is expected that a
secure aggregate annual supply of well over 100,000 odt will be identified
within a 50 km radius of the City that is available (and not contracted to
buyers long term). Biomass costs are expected to be in the range of $40 to $100
CDN/odt fob plant, predominantly in the lower half of that range.


The City is interested in hearing from those who would
likely submit a proposal, or be part of a proposal in response to the planned
RFEOI for later this year. Those who respond to this invitation will be placed
on the mailing list, and therefore assured of being consulted at the time the
RFEOI is sent. Your response is
appreciated by June 15, 2014


Please direct responses or queries to: John Christie – email: Phone: 250-859-2557

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