Canadian Biomass Magazine

Bioenergy conference tied to Elmia Wood

May 15, 2013
By Scott Jamieson

May 15, 2013, Jonkoping, Sweden - A full-day conference at Elmia Wood 2013, held next month in Sweden, will focus on the harvest and use of forest biomass.

Bioenergy is the source of 32 % of Sweden’s total energy consumption,
including in the transportationsector. Most of this biofuel comes from
the forest. A unique conference will be held for internationalbioenergy
pioneers who want to learn more about the potential and possibilities of
harvesting residues.Participants can discover more about how Swedish
solutions and systems work – on the spot.

The Bioenergy conference on harvesting residues and slash business
conference is part of the programfor the Elmia Wood 2013 forestry show
in Jönköping. Together with the show, the conference offers a unique
insight into the entire chain from forest to energy user.

At this conference you will meet Sweden’s leading experts in the
field as well as representatives of companies active in the fuel chain,
like forestry companies, forestry owner’s cooperatives, tradersand
producers of equipment. 

In the evening there will be a conference dinner which is paid and booked for separately. See conference dinner. See you in Jönköping!

Preliminary Program Conference: Bioenergy from forest residues – 5 June at Elmia, Jönköping

09.00             Introduction & welcome, Svebio

09.15             Harvesting of fuels and the resource base

Harvesting of forest energy – an overview
Maria Iwarsson-Wide Forest Research Institute Sweden

Actual potential of biomass from the forest – A comprehensive model
Dimitris Athanassiadis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Q&A, discussion

Coffee break

11.00              Economical and enviromental sustainability

How does harvest of forest residues impact productivity?
Gustaf Egnell, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

The importance of recycling of ashes
Gunnar Thelin, Ekobalans

Q&A, discussion

12.15             Lunch

13.30             Development, Trade and the Importance of Education

Sustainable harvesting of stumps
Henrik von Hofsten, Forestry Research Institute of Sweden

Training and practice in the field
Tomas Johannesson, Forestry Research Institute of Sweden

Biomass trading plattform – business opportunties across the web
Kristian Eriksson & Emma Lannergård, Enbio

Q&A, discussion

Coffee break

16.00             From forest to furnace

Logistics and transport, road, rail and waterway – how to get the fuels from the forest to the heat plants. Experiences and lessons learned.

Sweden’s largest provider of woody biomass (refined and unrefined) and fuels and energy from the forest.
Peter Sondelius, Stora Enso Bioenergy

Södra – an economic association with more than 50 000 members of private forest owners.
Björn Karlsson, Södra Skogsenergi

Q&A discussion & conference wrap-up

17.30             End of the day (optional conference dinner at 19.30)

Register for Conference: Bioenergy from forest residues

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