Canadian Biomass Magazine

Bioenergy is main home heat source for Sweden

January 20, 2010
By Canadian Biomass

Jan. 20, 2010, Sweden – Bioenergy is now the main source of heat for semi-detached and detached houses in Sweden.

Jan. 20, 2010 – Bioenergy is now the main source of heat for semi-detached and detached houses in Sweden. In 2008 more than half the energy used for heating and hot water came from bioenergy. Bioenergy was used both directly in homes as biofuel such as wood logs, pellets, and chips, and indirectly via district heating. District heating plants use 70% biomass on average to heat water, which is then distributed to house via a network of pipes. The biomass used is mainly woodworking and forestry waste.

Electricity is also used for heating in Sweden, both directly in radiators and indirectly via heat pumps. However, 7% of the country's electricity production is also produced from biomass at power plants. Fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas are losing ground in the Swedish energy mix, to the benefit of renewable energy in general and bioenergy in particular. This trend has attracted great international interest. This interest also explains why the World Bioenergy global exhibition and conference has gained such a high global profile.

"Last year our 200 exhibitors were visited by 4,400 visitors from 60 countries, plus over 100 journalists," says Jakob Hirsmark, World Bioenergy exhibition manager. "In conjunction with the event, 100 study visits were made to hands-on bioenergy sites, and this program was highly appreciated by the participants. We are witnessing an increasing interest in bioenergy solutions, and therefore, the World Bioenergy 2010 event on 25-27 May at Elmia in Sweden looks very promising."

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