Canadian Biomass Magazine

Biofuel experts to meet in Vancouver

June 30, 2016
By Brandi Cowen

June 30, 2016 – Given that our use of fossil fuels is one of the major contributors to climate change, rethinking the energy sector will be a crucial undertaking for generations to come. Whether solid, liquid or gas, sustainable advanced biofuels are one important part of the solution as an alternative and renewable fuel.

This is why Canada’s largest network on advanced biofuels, BioFuelNet Canada, will meet July 6-8 in Vancouver for the Advanced Biofuels Symposium (ABS).

The purpose of the symposium is to discuss progress toward the development of a thriving advanced biofuels industry and a more sustainable future.

This is the largest biofuels meeting in Canada and the theme of the ABS this year is “Biofuels in a climate of change: Sustaining the future.”

More than 300 multidisciplinary experts in the energy field, including stakeholders in academia, industry and government, will gather for over 20 scientific and policy sessions, featuring nearly 100 speakers.

Scientific poster sessions, as well as social and networking events are also in store over the course of the ABS.

The symposium’s keynote speaker is Dr. Andre Faaij, academic director, Energy Academy of Europe, Gröningen University in The Netherlands. Among his many accomplishments, he has contributed to IPCC reports, the World and Global Energy Assessments and IEA’s World Energy Outlook. In 2015, he was appointed Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum and received The Linneborn Prize.

This symposium comes at a crucial time for consideration following COP21 and a substantially stronger commitment to greenhouse gas reductions within Canada.

For more information or to register for the ABS, click here.

About BioFuelNet Canada
BioFuelNet Canada (BFN) is an integrated community of academic researchers, industry partners and government representatives who engage in collaborative initiatives to accelerate the development of sustainable advanced biofuels. BFN’s activities expand far beyond academic research, extending to online courses and webinars, large-scale networking events, business-to-business matchmaking, investment tracking and intelligence, and policy consulting. The network benefits from a $25 million grant over five years (2012 to 2017) through the federal Networks of Centres of Excellence program. For more information on BioFuelNet and advanced biofuels, visit

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