Canadian Biomass Magazine

CGA receives broad support for renewable gas funding proposal

October 19, 2018
By Canadian Gas Association

Oct. 19, 2018 - The Canadian Gas Association (CGA) has received broad support from stakeholders encouraging the government of Canada to endorse CGA’s federal policy proposal for a Renewable Gas Innovation Program. The proposal seeks a Federal Budget 2019 allocation of $750 million to support renewable gas project deployment, to facilitate technology commercialization, and to enhance federal laboratory renewable gas R&D capacity. To date, more than 35 letters of support have been sent to the Honourable Amarjeet Sohi, Minister of Natural Resources Canada.

To advance the discussion further and to educate Canadians about the role of renewable gases, CGA launched a social media campaign #CanadianRenewableGas via @GoSmartEnergy and LinkedIn. It includes factual information on renewable natural gas, hydrogen, and synthetic methane, and details on the role they can play in providing low-emission energy for Canada. We encourage participation in the campaign #CanadianRenewableGas and offer more information on our website.

Looking forward, natural gas has an important and growing role to play in Canada’s long-term energy future. The National Energy Board forecasts that by 2040 natural gas will be the largest source of energy in Canada at 40 per cent of energy demand. With this demand growth, we see a significant opportunity to expand the Canadian renewable gas market.

Canada’s extensive underground natural gas infrastructure and untapped renewable gas opportunity position us well to achieve CGA’s May 2016 aspirational goals of 5 and 10 per cent RNG content by 2025 and 2030 respectively. However, in order to ensure success, sustained policy recognition and program support is required. Globally, more and more countries are recognizing the need for renewable gaseous energy solutions. For Canada, renewable gases offer a ready-now solution for reducing emissions from freight transportation, building heat, and industrial energy needs. By substituting just 5 per cent of Canada’s gas supply with renewable gases, it would reduce GHG’s by between 10 and 14 megatonnes.

“Federal funding for the Canadian renewable gas market is a way to trigger the use of existing cost-effective energy infrastructure to meet emission-reduction targets. If the Government of Canada considers renewables a big part of our energy future, renewable gases should be part of the plan. We encourage the Government of Canada to support this funding request in Budget 2019,” said Timothy M. Egan, president and CEO of the Canadian Gas Association. 

“Canadian gas utilities are leaders in the effort to reduce emissions. Renewable gases offer a significant opportunity to do even more on that agenda, and CGA members hope the Government of Canada will commit the resources to work with us on it,” said Steve Baker president of Union Gas and chair of the Board, Canadian Gas Association.

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