Canadian Biomass Magazine

Biomass cost reductions possible: IRENA

January 18, 2013

January 18, 2013, Abu Dhabi, UAE – A report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) concerning the costs of renewable power generation says the potential for biomass cost reductions are good in the long-term.

The report states: “Many biomass power generation options are mature, commercially proven technologies with long track records. They include direct combustion in stoker boilers, low-percentage co-firing, anaerobic digestion, municipal solid waste incineration, landfill gas and combined heat and power. Other less mature technologies, such as atmospheric biomass gasification and pyrolysis are only at the beginning of their deployment, while others, such as integrated gasification combined cycle, bio-refineries and bio-hydrogen, are only in the demonstration or R&D phases. The potential for biomass cost reductions is therefore very heterogeneous. While only marginal cost reductions can be anticipated in the short term, the long-term potential for cost reductions from those technologies that are not yet widely deployed is good.”

According to the report, in order to analyze the use of biomass for power generation, it is important to consider three critical components of the process: biomass feedstocks, biomass conversion and power generation.

Click here to read the full report.

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