Canadian Biomass Magazine

Biomass focus for CWF fall meeting

September 21, 2010
By Canadian Biomass


Biomass focus for CWF fall meeting
The Canadian Woodlands Forum fall meeting is being held Oct. 20-21, 2010, in Truro, Nova Scotia, and the focus is on biomass.

Sept. 21, 2010 – The Canadian Woodlands Forum fall
meeting is being held October 20-21, 2010, in Truro, Nova Scotia, and the focus
is on biomass. Day one of this two-day event will be spent indoors at technical
sessions covering sustainable biomass harvesting and recovery and purpose-grown
woody biomass crops. An evening session will focus on logging equipment
maintenance and cost-effective biomass extraction from the forest.

The field trip planned for day two will take
participants to a number of sites that will generate discussion of stand
harvest prescriptions in terms of meeting biomass retention guidelines, working
in degraded and poor-quality stands, and using mechanized selective harvesting
methods. Participants will also visit an active harvesting and chipping
operation, and a Nova Scotia Power wind farm. Don’t forget to pack a hardhat.

The event is a joint meeting of the Nova Scotia Section of the
Canadian Institute of Forestry, the Nova Scotia Forest Technicians Association,
the Registered Professional Foresters Association of Nova Scotia, the Canadian
Woodlands Forum, and the meeting’s host: Wagner Forest Management Ltd.

See the conference agenda and registration information at:,1,9,,9.html

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