Canadian Biomass Magazine

BTS Biogas and Engie sign MOU to develop biogas projects

July 8, 2020
By BTS Biogas

A strategic agreement for the reduction of CO2 in the atmosphere has been signed between Engie, world player in energy and services, and BTS Biogas Srl (BTS), a market leader in the biogas sector. The partnership, in line with the positioning of the two companies, aims to share know-how and generate opportunities for important decarbonization projects in Italy.

The phase for defining the division of competence to start planning, implementation and management of green projects in the biomethane sector from organic waste and by-products has been completed successfully. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) forecasts the sharing of a pipeline of projects that will be identified synergistically and developed within one year from the signing of the agreement.

“Entering the operational phase of the partnership with Engie gives us great satisfaction,” said Franco Lusuriello, CEO of BTS Biogas. “Sharing our pipelines on important decarbonization projects will allow us to develop new opportunities and strengthen existing ones.”

“This is a valuable partnership,” said Damien Terouanne, CEO of Engie Italy. “Engie aims to be a leader in the zero-carbon transition and is committed to the implementation of numerous projects for sustainable energy production. At BTS Biogas we have found deep technological expertise in the construction of advanced biomethane production plants, with numerous environmental and economic benefits. In the current historical context, making progress in environmental and social sustainability means pushing and supporting economic recovery.”

Within a year, the first projects will be implemented which, in addition to generating numerous benefits for the environment, will also have positive economic and social impacts on the territory, such as a strong boost to recovery and employment opportunities.

The agreement with BTS Biogas will allow BTS to carry out important new projects for the production of advanced biomethane in different sectors, Engie to expand and integrate its range of decarbonization offerings for industrial customers.

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