Canadian Biomass Magazine

Canada and NWT partner to support biomass industry

July 27, 2012
By CanNor

Jul 27, 2012, Yellowknife, NWT – The federal government announced a multi-year investment of over $5.7 million to create opportunities for a sustainable wood biomass industry in the Northwest Territories (NWT).

This community-led initiative is receiving Government of Canada support of $3,746,000 from CanNor, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC), Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) and $2 million from the Government of the Northwest Territories. The funding will be used to create a sustainable industry, generate long-term jobs, and reduce energy costs in communities. This will enable NWT communities to have increased control over local forestry resources and reduce dependence on imported fossil fuel as outlined in the Northwest Territories Biomass Strategy.

"The Harper Government is committed to creating jobs, growth and long-term prosperity in Canada's North," said Minister of the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency Leona Aglukkaq. "This project will create a new and sustainable industry in the NWT and will generate jobs and business opportunities for First Nations communities. We are pleased to be working with our territorial partners as we invest in community economic development that promotes job creation and economic growth in the North."

"This funding will support our efforts to complete forest inventories and sustainability analyses for broad forest areas so First Nations and communities can benefit from the strategic development of biomass energy and forest resource development opportunities in the NWT," said Minister Northwest Territories Minister of Environment and Natural Resources J. Michael Miltenberger.

Funding for this project is made through CanNor's Strategic Investments in Northern Economic Development (SINED) program, AANDC's Canada's Strategic Partnership Initiative and NRCan's Aboriginal Forestry Initiative. Territorial funding is provided as part of the implementation of the NWT Biomass Energy Strategy.

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