Canadian Biomass Magazine

Canada & BC coordinate emissions data collection

December 20, 2010

Dec. 20, 2010, Vancouver – Canada and British Columbia are coordinating greenhouse gas emissions reporting under a national single-window system.

Dec. 20, 2010, Vancouver – Canada and British
Columbia are coordinating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reporting under a
national single-window system.

"Accurate reporting of GHG emissions
provides vital data in support of our domestic and international climate change
goals and obligations," says Canada Environment Minister John Baird.
"This is an important agreement that will minimize duplication and reduce
the reporting burden for industry and governments through the development of a
single-window GHG reporting system."

"Being able to report GHG emissions
only once while meeting the requirements of both the federal and provincial
governments will save British Columbia industries time and money," says British
Columbia's Minister of State for Climate Action John Yap. "…single-window
reporting will be an important tool as British Columbia moves towards a
regional cap-and-trade system."

Under the auspices of the Canadian Council
of Ministers of the Environment (CCME), the federal, provincial, and
territorial governments made a commitment to ensure that all jurisdictions are
able to measure, track, and report progress on the reduction of GHGs. On March
15, 2010, Environment Canada launched its single-window reporting system to
collect information on GHG emissions in support of the department's mandatory
reporting programs for GHGs. Canada is committed to reaching the target it
inscribed in the Copenhagen Accord to reduce GHG emissions to 17% below 2005
levels by 2020.

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