Canadian Biomass Magazine

Canada launches clean energy innovation program

August 2, 2011
By Natural Resources Canada


Canada launches clean energy
innovation program

The Government of Canada has launched a new
$ 97-million ecoENERGY Innovation Initiative.

Aug. 2, 2011, Toronto – The Government of
Canada has launched a new ecoENERGY Innovation Initiative. The $97-million
program will invest in research, development, and demonstration projects for
clean energy technologies that will create high-quality jobs for Canadians.

The ecoENERGY Innovation Initiative will
advance energy technologies that produce and use energy in a cleaner and more
efficient way. Selected projects will focus on research, development, and
demonstration in five key areas: energy efficiency in buildings, communities,
industry, and transportation; clean electricity and renewables; bioenergy;
research and development of electric vehicles; and unconventional oil and gas.

An initial call for letters of interest in
the program was announced on August 2, 2011. More information can be found at

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