Canadian Biomass Magazine

Canada’s Energy Ministers discuss sustainable recovery

September 3, 2009
By Canadian Biomass

Sep. 3, 2009, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador - Energy Ministers from across Canada spent two days of discussions in St. John’s at their annual conference hosted by the Honourable Kathy Dunderdale, minister of natural resources for Newfoundland and Labrador. The ministers discussed global economic developments, their impacts on the energy sector, and how to best position the country and industry to capitalize on a sustainable economic recovery.

Sep. 3, 2009, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador – Energy Ministers from across
Canada spent two days of discussions in St. John’s at their annual
conference hosted by the Honourable Kathy Dunderdale, minister of natural resources
for Newfoundland and Labrador. The ministers discussed global economic
developments, their impacts on the energy sector, and how to best position the
country and industry to capitalize on a sustainable economic recovery.

government is committed to generating and increasing the supply of clean and
renewable energy in Canada, not only to reduce the country’s total greenhouse
gas emissions, but also to increase the country’s energy security and prosperity,”
said the Honourable Lisa Raitt, Canada’s minister of natural resources. “New
and innovative technologies and processes will help to make our energy and
mining sectors the cleanest and most efficient in the world, and allow Canada
to take advantage of the emerging market for these green technologies.”

ministers discussed the important energy policy challenges and opportunities
that Canada, the provinces, and territories face. They stressed the importance
of working together to advance cleaner energy through efforts such as improving
energy efficiency, encouraging clean electricity, and fostering cleaner fossil
fuels and alternatives. Challenges facing the development of northern pipelines
and electricity transmission were also discussed.

ministers also received presentations on emerging technologies and innovation
for energy developments. “It’s important that we share information on the
research and development being undertaken in our respective areas and any
technological advances that will benefit all Canadians,” said Minister
Dunderdale. “We received presentations on large-scale hydro development, a
leading-edge wind-hydrogen-diesel pilot project for isolated diesel
communities, and important updates on groundbreaking work in the areas of bioenergy,
renewable energy innovation, and sustainable energy development. These
substantive efforts in research and development will make it possible to make
clean and reliable energy available to all Canadians.”

ministers endorsed new tools and initiatives to help Canadians further improve
energy efficiency. Through this type of collaboration, governments will move
forward important best practices for energy efficiency that will result in
benefits for both the environment and the economy. These include a guide for
the trucking industry to improve energy savings through aerodynamic devices; a
manual and tool to help industry track and manage its energy use; tools for
building recommissioning and the development of an energy benchmarking database
for buildings; and, finally, a roadmap for considering energy supply and use at
the community level.

Associate Minister of Natural Resources and Wildlife, the Honourable Serge
Simard, invited ministers to convene in September 2010 in Quebec City for the
2010 Energy and Mines Ministers’ Conference. The World Energy Congress will
also be held in September 2010 in Montreal, Quebec.

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