Canadian Biomass Magazine

Canada’s premier biomass event coming to Prince George

April 21, 2016
By Michael Weedon and Greg Stewart

April 21, 2016 - We’d like to invite you to join us in Prince George this June for what’s become known as the must-attend biomass conference in Canada. We’re hosting the world in Canada’s fibre-basket at the 7th International Bioenergy Conference & Exhibition and we think you should be there too.

You’ll have opportunities to network with fellow industry leaders and build relationships, whether during the dedicated International Partnerships Forum and business-to-business meetings or one of the many social events throughout the convention.

We’re pleased to be adding a unique, in-depth workshop addressing Wood Pellet Safety, thanks to a partnership with the Wood Pellet Association of Canada. They’ve got an agenda packed with experts from government and the private sector who will provide up-to-date, practical information about policies and procedures from all angles.

We have an exclusive offering for a small handful of our visiting delegates, or those new to the industry. We will be taking a small group on a pre-conference tour from Vancouver to Prince George, offering a behind-the-scenes look at all facets of the fibre chain. There are still a few spots available for the tour, so if you’re looking for an “immersion program” to learn about biomass in British Columbia this would be the place to start.

Our program is nearly full and as always includes thought-leaders from around the globe. Working around this year’s theme, Partnerships for Innovation, our speakers will explore the evolving biomass sector, combining legacy sectors such as pellets and CHP with new technologies and innovative thinking to create new product pathways and integrated systems, all leading the way to a sustainable low carbon future.
For those of you looking to get in front of industry leaders and decision makers with your products and services, we have one of the best trade shows in the country. Exhibitors will be placed in the heart of the action, where all social and networking events take place, providing ample face-time. And if you’re looking to build your profile even more, we still have a few good sponsorship opportunities left.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to seeing you in June.

Best regards,

Michael Weedon
Executive director, BC Bioenergy Network
Conference Co-Chair

Greg Stewart, president, Sinclar Group Forest Products
Conference Co-Chair

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