Canadian Biomass Magazine

Canadian biomass boiler gains EPA certification

August 2, 2013
By Scott Jamieson

August 3, 2013, Prince Albert, SK - Heat Smart Plus Inc., the factory representatives for Manitoba-based Piney Manufacturing, says its new biomass heating system has gained EPA qualification for North American distribution.

The news comes after two years of
and testing and opens up the US market.
A spokesman with
the company said today's announcement is great news for the manufacturer, its
dealer network and those looking for a greener alternative to oil and gas
heating – especially in times of record high petroleum prices.

"This is big…
really big," said Heat Smart CEO Brian Martin. "We are very proud of this
achievement and can now move forward in promoting biomass heating to the whole
of North America."

The EnviroChip 500
biomass heating system uses wood chips to provide virtually smokeless space
heating. A large fuel storage bin is coupled with a high-efficiency boiler to
consistently generate 280,000 BTUs per hour. A water and glycol mix is pumped
from the boiler into a building by means of insulated underground pipe. The
resulting heat energy is then dissipated by a heat exchanger or in-floor
hydronic heat loops. One unit has the capability of heating thousands of square
feet of living space.

The Portage and
Main EnviroChip 500 is the first Canadian biomass product to be EPA qualified, according to Heat Smart Plus.
This is a key milestone for the company, says Martin,
as the heating industry as a whole struggles to comply with environmental

"Wood chips are an affordable, readily accessible fuel source and
the EnviroChip 500 used them in a clean and efficient manner," says Martin. "We
are now able to compete with fossil fuels and move toward national energy

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