Canadian Biomass Magazine

CANplus certification now available through WPAC

September 29, 2013
By Scott Jamieson

canplusSeptember 29, 2013, Vancouver - Wood pellet producers in Canada now have access to ENplus and CANplus quality certification through the Wood Pellet Association of Canada (WPAC), with one BC pellet producer already certified.

The CANplus certification program is based upon the highly successful ENplus scheme already running in Europe and across the globe.


About ENplus

pellets for heat and power generation have become rapidly commonplace
as it is a renewable and cost-effective way of generating energy. To
ensure uniform and consistent quality for both producers and industry,
ENplus certification was launched in 2011. Initially driven by the
European market, producers and traders are now certified across the
world and the validity of certification is borderless. Its market share
is quickly growing. 

The ENplus Handbook was developed based on the European standard EN 14961-2 that sets out the quality specifications for wood pellets.  The standard was developed by the European Pellet Council (EPC),
which is a European lobbying group for pellet producers and umbrella
organizations for member national associations, hosted by the European Biomass Association (AEBIOM).


How To Get Certified?

In Canada, the Wood Pellet Association of Canada (WPAC) is licensed to manage ENplus and CANplus as the national association. WPAC maintains a list of approved laboratories and inspection bodies (organizations
that audit), and all audits are reviewed by the certification body,
Control Union. Canadian producers and traders interested in ENplus
certification can contact inspection bodies directly or contact WPAC Certifications at Organizations that are interested in being listed as an approved inspection body or as a laboratory can contact WPAC directly.


About CANplus

is aimed at ensuring quality pellets for Canadian consumers. The
CANplus seal will be seen on wood pellets produced, distributed, and/or
sold in Canada. There have been continual discussions and a clear demand
for uniform quality standards in the wood pellet industry in Canada.
Standardization results in transparency for buyers. For more information
on CANplus, please contact WPAC Certifications at

CANplus responds to the degree and level of standardization that is
currently desired by the Canadian wood pellet industry. WPAC will
continually revisit and review its approach to CANplus certification to
ensure that the standard and certification continues to reflect the
needs of the Canadian wood pellet industry and its clients.


How To Get Certified?

CANplus certification is licensed and managed by WPAC, which is also
the national association for Canada for ENplus.  WPAC maintains a list
of approved inspection bodies (organizations that are approved to conduct
audits).  Canadian producers and traders interested in CANplus
certification, please contact inspection bodies directly or contact WPAC
Certifications at


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