Canadian Biomass Magazine

CHAR contract with steel producer is for purchase order of 1,000 tonnes of biocoal

March 17, 2021
By CHAR Technologies

CHAR Technologies Ltd. has announced a purchase order of up to 1,000 tonnes of the company’s CleanFyre biocoal from a large Canadian steel producer.

The contract builds on CHAR’s pilot production run of 20 tonnes. CleanFyre is a carbon neutral, solid biofuel, made from various woody-biomasses and woodwastes and provides a low greenhouse gas (GHG) emission biocoal substitute to integrate into existing steelmaking processes.

“This milestone purchase order further demonstrates the opportunities to replace fossil coal with CleanFyre, CHAR’s carbon neutral, sustainable, solid biofuel that meets the strict requirements of the steelmaking industry,” Andrew White, chief executive officer said. “Our proprietary solutions provide innovative and progressive companies a significant advantage in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, while building on a circular economy. The 1,000-tonne contract equates to removing approximately 580 automobiles off the road for one year. This is the first major step in capitalizing on a massive total available market (TAM) in the steel industry.”

CleanFyre meets the strict requirements of a wide variety of industries. Addressing global growing market needs, the substitution of CleanFyre for fossil coal in many industrial processes allows clients to recognize significant GHG reductions. On a lifecycle basis, GHG emissions can typically be reduced by more than 90 per cent per tonne of CleanFyre used.

CHAR is a cleantech development and services company, specializing in high temperature pyrolysis, converting woody materials and organic waste into renewable gases (renewable natural gas and green hydrogen) and biocarbon (activated charcoal “SulfaCHAR” and solid biofuel “CleanFyre”). Additional services include custom equipment for industrial water treatment, and providing services in environmental compliance, environmental management, site investigation and remediation, engineering and resource efficiency.

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