Canadian Biomass Magazine

Demers Greenhouses uses heat from landfill gas fuelled CHP plant

July 5, 2013
By Canadian Biomass

demersJuly 5, 2013 - European Power Systems Ltd. (EPS) commissioned the heat recovery system that captures the heat produced by an 8 MW landfill gas fuelled CHP plant and transfers this heat to a nearby tomato greenhouse.

The tomato plant is owned by Demers Greenhouses.

When Jacques Demers, owner
of Demers Greenhouses learned that Waste Management was building an 8 MW
landfill gas fuelled power plant near Drummondville, QC, he quickly realized
this was an excellent opportunity to heat a new greenhouse with heat recovered
from this power plant.

After exploring the
possibilities with Waste Management, Demers decided to proceed with the project
and invest in the heat recovery equipment and other infrastructure required to
capture and utilize the heat from this plant.

Jacques Demers decided to
contract European Power Systems to implement this project because of their
intimate knowledge of greenhouse CHP systems, landfill gas power plants and
heat recovery systems in general.

The contract to implement
the cogeneration system was awarded to EPS in August of 2011, came on-line in
Fall of 2012, and has already provided more than 10,000 MWh of energy to the
new greenhouse.

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