Canadian Biomass Magazine

DMT Clear Gas Solutions, Nacelle Solutions, US Gain complete RNG project

April 28, 2020
By DMT Clear Gas Solutions

DMT Clear Gas Solutions, a technology supplier in biogas upgrading and gas desulfurization, announced its first renewable natural gas (RNG) project with Nacelle Solutions is operational. The Clover Hill Dairy farm project in Wisconsin is the first completed site in a series of four. Nacelle Solutions, a provider for gas conditioning technologies and service for the energy and biogas industries, is contracted with U.S. Gain, a leader in the development, procurement and distribution of RNG for transportation and thermal energy markets, for developing U.S. Gain’s gas upgrading projects. Nacelle has also been retained to own and operate the upgrading equipment, selecting DMT’s membrane separation technology as a key component in the RNG processing facilities.

“DMT has accumulated extensive knowledge within the U.S. biogas industry space — so much so that we signed and commissioned this first project within eight months. With goals to further shorten this timeline for the next projects, we are establishing a delivery time unique to the industry. This enables favourable returns for Nacelle Solutions and U.S. Gain, and we look forward to working with all partners in the future,” said Robert Lems, general manager of DMT Clear Gas Solutions.

Between all four farms, the projects will upgrade a total accumulation of 1,000 standard cubic feet per minute (scfm) of biogas to produce more than 98 per cent pure RNG for direct injection into the natural gas pipeline. Together, these farms will produce enough RNG to fuel greenhouse gas emission savings equivalent to removing more than 3,100 vehicles from U.S. roadways for one year or CO2 emissions from 1.6 million gallons of gasoline.

“Nacelle is pleased to have commissioned the first of four plants on schedule and even more pleased with the overall upgrading results and minimal start-up issues. We attribute this success to partnering with key vendors like DMT that have real and proven experience in the gas upgrading and processing world,” said Gov Graney, managing member of Nacelle Solutions.

The remaining three projects are scheduled to complete commissioning within the next few months. Furthermore, the gas injection for all four farms will go through one centralized injection point using a virtual pipeline, a flexible and diverse approach that allows gas transportation without a physical pipeline network in place. Each truck will store the RNG in compressed natural gas (CNG) form and can hold about 3,800 gasoline gallon equivalents (GGE).

“U.S. Gain is committed to meeting the increased demand for low carbon fuels by continuously developing new RNG projects,” stated Bryan Nudelbacher, director of RNG business development of U.S. Gain. “As a Wisconsin-based company, we look forward to partnering with local farmers for their continued success.”

Through biogas upgrading, trace impurities in the biogas stream are removed and carbon dioxide (CO2) is separated from methane (CH4) to produce pipeline-spec RNG suitable for injection into the natural gas grid and/or direct use for vehicle fuel. The benefits of RNG include the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, increased domestic energy security, improved waste management, new revenue sources for American farmers, and more jobs in rural areas.

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