Canadian Biomass Magazine

Emissions Reduction Alberta commits $2M to four carbon capture projects

March 4, 2022
By Ellen Cools

Emissions Reduction Alberta has announced it is investing $2 million in four carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) projects worth almost $24 million, through a partnership with Accelerating CCS Technologies (ACT).

The Alberta-based projects were chosen through the ACT consortium’s recent Call for Proposals, and are supported by additional investments from eight countries to support their commercialization.

The four projects include:

The ACT consortium is funding 13 projects globally worth $68 million in public and private funds, of which $43 million comes from participating ACT partners. Each project features a minimum of three eligible applicants from three countries. Projects were chosen after going through a two-stage evaluation process led by an independent international expert panel.

“The task of scaling-up and deploying CCUS technologies is too great for one company, one organization, or one jurisdiction to take on alone. Building on our international relationships and credibility, ERA is helping to find solutions by bringing the world to Alberta, and by taking Alberta’s innovation to the world,” said Steve MacDonald, CEO, Emissions Reduction Alberta, in a statement.

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