Canadian Biomass Magazine

E.On to import US biomass

May 11, 2012
By David Manly

May 11, 2012, UK - E.On, which owns Ironbridge Power Station, wants to start burning wood imported from the US in addition to coal.

May 11, 2012, UK – May 11, 2012, UK – E.On, which owns Ironbridge Power Station, wants to
start burning wood imported from the US in addition to coal.

However, according to an article on BBC News, there has been backlash from the public because of the transportation and burning of biomass is not sustainable or carbon-neutral as claimed. E.On plans to import two million tonnes of wood a year to co-fire with Russian coal at
the Ironbridge Power Station to generate up to 1,000MW for up to 750,000 homes.

"If there's a dead forest in North America that no longer has any
benefit and wood from that forest is going to be used in the mix then
that's entirely legitimate," says Energy Minister Charles Hendry.

For more information, please see the BBC News.

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