Canadian Biomass Magazine

EPA plans to cut biofuels requirements in 2018

July 6, 2017
By Maria Church

July 6, 2017 - The U.S. government says it will reduce the volume of biofuels required to supplement diesel and gasoline in 2018, signalling an overhaul of the Environmental Protection Agency's biofuels program.

Reuters reports the proposed volume a reduction from current levels and is more than 20 per cent below targets laid out in 2007. The proposal would keep targets for use of conventional biofuels at current levels, but lower targets for cellulosic and advanced biofuels.

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt said in a statement the new volumes are “consistent with market realities focused on actual production and consumer demand while being cognizant of the challenges that exist in bringing advanced biofuels into the marketplace.”

In a statement following the annoucement, American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers president and CEO Chet Thompson praised the decision, calling it, “further recognition that the RFS [Renewable Fuel Standard] is broken and not functioning how Congress originally envisioned.”

A statement from the National Biodiesel Board said the proposal, “continues to underestimate the ability of the biomass-based diesel industry to meet the volumes of the RFS program.”

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