Canadian Biomass Magazine

Federal funds for new BC pellet mill

March 17, 2010
By Canadian Biomass

Mar. 17, 2010, Merritt, BC – Federal funding of almost $2.5 million will support the construction of a pellet plant in Merritt, British Columbia.

17, 2010, Merritt, BC – The Canadian federal government has announced support
to help Highland Pellet Manufacturing Ltd. establish a wood pellet mill on an
industrial site in Merritt, British Columbia. The mill will have an initial
capacity of 29,000 tonnes/year of pellets on a single-shift basis.

are pleased to be working with the government of Canada on such an important
project,” says Rob McDonald of Highland Pellet Manufacturing. “Thanks to
this funding, Merritt will have a state-of-the-art pellet mill producing
pellets from wood waste generated at local sawmills and from surrounding beetle
killed woodlands. New full-time jobs will be created as well as a great boost
to the economy of the City of Merritt."

funding of $2,452,000 is being provided as a repayable contribution through the
Community Adjustment Fund as part of Canada’s Economic Action Plan. The fund
will provide $306 million over two years to support the most affected western
Canadian communities, such as those that are heavily reliant on resource-based

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