Canadian Biomass Magazine

FPInnovations changes internal structure

February 9, 2012
By CNW Group

Feb. 9, 2012, Montreal, QC - FPInnovations unveiled its new organizational structure to its 550 employees across Canada as a result of an in-depth review of the business model.

Feb. 9, 2012, Montreal, QC – FPInnovations unveiled its new organizational structure to its 550 employees across Canada. The reorganization came about after an in-depth review of FPInnovations' business model which required a series of changes to better position the organization as a strategic partner to industry members and clients, federal and provincial governments, and the larger research community, especially universities.

FPInnovations will keep a strong hold on R&D through its Collaborative Research with forest industry members. To this, it adds a Business Development component which encompasses Strategic Research Alliances; Products and Services; and Licensing and Ventures.

"It became clear that the collaborative research approach, which served us very well for many decades, was no longer sufficient to help us support our members and partners in pursuit of their new goals," stated FPInnovations' President and Chief Executive Officer Pierre Lapointe. "Although R&D remains the heart and soul of the organization, we are now equipped with new business tools to help FPInnovations continue to deliver results in the pursuit of transforming the Canadian forest industry."

Business Development Vice President Hervé Deschênes will ensure the organization's business alignment with potential customers and members in terms of licensing and ventures; building strategic research alliances; and developing new products and services. The business groups reporting structure also includes Intellectual Property, and Membership Recruitment; Business Analysis; and Sales, Products and Services. In addition to leading the PIT (Transportation) research program, Mr. Deschênes will take on and develop the Markets & Economics group.

Research Vice President of Pulp, Paper and Bioproducts Jean Hamel will lead the following research programs: Market Pulps, Paper, Packaging and Consumer Products, Biorefinery and Bioenergy, and Biomaterials.

Research Vice President of Forest Products and Wood Products Peter Lister will lead the following research programs: Forest Operations, Wildfire Operations, Primary Wood Products Manufacturing, Secondary Wood Products Manufacturing, and Advanced Building Systems.

Research Vice President of Resource Assessment George Bruemmer will lead the Resource Assessment research program, in addition to his other responsibilities with the Canadian Wood Fibre Centre.

The research and business development vice presidents will report to Alan Potter, Executive Vice President, who will ensure that all the research programs and associated research teams present FPInnovations' enhanced value proposition to its industry members, clients and partners.

At the corporate level, both Chief Financial Officer Yves Nadon and Strategic Partnerships Vice President Jean-Pierre Martel take on additional responsibilities. Mr. Nadon will be adding Building Services and management of company assets to his responsibilities which already include the Finance and Information Technologies' departments. Mr. Martel will manage the organization's relationships with the federal and provincial governments, national and international organizations, as well as university and Aboriginal partnerships.

"I am convinced that this is the right move for FPInnovations. These changes will help us explore new partnerships with energy and chemical industries to name a few," said Pierre Lapointe. "This new structure will be more efficient and offer the most growth potential while ensuring a bright future for FPInnovations' members, clients and partners", concluded Mr. Lapointe.

About FPInnovations

FPInnovations is a not-for-profit world leader that specializes in the creation of scientific solutions in support of the Canadian forest sector's global competitiveness and responds to the priority needs of its industrial and government members. It is ideally positioned to perform research, innovate and deliver state-of-the-art solutions for every area of the sector's value chain, from forestry operations to consumer and industrial products. FPInnovations' staff numbers more than 550. Its research laboratories are located in Québec City, Montréal, Thunder Bay, Edmonton and Vancouver, and it has technology transfer offices across Canada. For more information about FPInnovations, visit:

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