Canadian Biomass Magazine

FPInnovations formalizes research efforts with NRC

February 7, 2013
By FPInnovations

February 7, 2013, Montreal, QC- FPInnovations and Natural Resources Canada's CanmetENERGY announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding which will formalize the collaborative efforts of the research teams from both organizations after years of informal cooperation.

The primary objective of these efforts is to identify and commercialize novel products and technologies from bio-economy-based forest operations with a view to providing economic benefits and jobs to communities across Canada.

“Our Government is committed to fostering strong working relationships with partners such as FPInnovations,” said the Honourable Joe Oliver, Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources. “Today’s announcement will lead to investment in forest sector innovation and market development and create opportunities that support jobs and economic growth in communities across Canada.”

“This agreement formalizes the long-standing relationship between FPInnovations and Natural Resources Canada and provides a strong framework for future cooperation”, said Pierre Lapointe, CEO of FPInnovations. “Such agreements are the cornerstone that will enable Canada’s forest sector to maximize the potential of the bio-economy and in doing so, help meet the targets outlined in the Forest Products Association of Canada’s Agenda 2020, an ambitious plan that challenges us all to find innovative ways to further transform the sector.”

Researchers from both organizations will work together to exchange scientific and technical information and collaborate on joint projects to deliver innovative solutions in the areas of energy efficiency, process integration, energy cogeneration, biorefining, and the transformation of forestry biomass to bioenergy and high value bioproducts. This builds on the extensive degree of cooperation between FPInnovations and Natural Resources Canada’s Canadian Forest Service.

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