Canadian Biomass Magazine

Free biomass & waste firing webinar

November 11, 2010
By Power magazine

Nov. 11, 2010 – Power magazine is hosting a free webinar on biomass and municipal solid waste handling and use on December 7, 2010, from 9:00 to 10:30 Central time.

Nov. 11, 2010 – Power magazine is hosting a free webinar on
biomass and municipal solid waste handling and use on December 7, 2010, from
9:00 to 10:30 Central time. Biomass (wood chips, switch grass, animal waste) and
municipal solid waste are renewable and sustainable energy resources. The
webinar is aimed at sharing users' experience with storing, handling,
preparing, and using biomass and wastes. Co-firing and stand-alone projects, as
well as the basic considerations, will be covered.

Marco Castaldi, professor at Columbia University in New York
City, will be discussing clean energy recovery from wastes and biomass. His
talk will cover various aspects of the waste-to-energy (WTE) industry. Topics
will include emissions from WTE compared to more conventional power generation
or waste management options. His work on combustor design improvements has lead
to more efficient, reliable operation. He will discuss various classes of
WTE facilities such as controlled combustion, gasification, and plasma
operation, as well as overall system considerations such as use of waste heat
for district heating and improvements in cycle operation via steam temperature and
pressure adjustments. He will provide a global perspective in terms of WTE
effects on sustainability, climate change, and public perception.

Kunio Yoshiokawa, professor at the Tokyo Institute of
Technology in Japan, will be discussing the production of useful fuels and
electricity from biomass and waste resources. Up to now, the only solution for
using solid wastes, including biomass, as energy resources has been to
incinerate them and use the produced heat directly or convert it into electric
power via boilers/steam turbines. His group is developing and commercializing
total technologies to convert unused resources such as solid wastes and biomass
into high-value-added energy resources (solid fuel, gaseous fuel, liquid fuel,
and electric power) by combining various technologies that have been jointly
developed with many companies. His presentation focuses on research and
development and successful commercial applications of these technologies.

Ashwani Gupta, professor at the University of Maryland, will
be discussing biomass fundamentals and applications. Biomass and waste fuels
offer great opportunity for use in power plants. However, their use must not
adversely affect the performance of the furnace or boiler and also must not
increase pollutant emissions. This talk will provide fundamental information on
the transformation of biomass and solid waste fuels to clean energy. Recent
advances in biomass gasification technology will be presented. In addition,
some examples of showcase demonstration plants will be provided. The examples
will cover recent successes using ultra-high temperature gasification

Learn about:

  • Issues to consider when defining your biomass firing
  • How to use negative-cost low-grade fuels for your plant;
  • Efficient and economical treatment of landfill gas for gas turbine applications
    and the favorable plant economics;
  • Means to use low-grade fuels in your boilers or furnaces and save fuel costs
    and enhance the reliability of fuels availability at affordable costs for increased
  • Reducing environmental compliance costs and environmental impacts;
  • How recent advances have helped promote rapid implementation of new
    technologies successfully in many plants worldwide, with example case studies.

For more information and to register:

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