Canadian Biomass Magazine

Free dashboard for aggregated industrial wood pellet demand

September 8, 2015
By FutureMetrics

September 8, 2015 - The new dashboard from FutureMetrics is designed to analyze and calculate aggregated industrial wood pellet demand for U.S. power plants under co-firing scenarios. There are many user inputs and the user can select one or many states to analyze.  

Blending sustainable wood pellets with coal is a proven and reliable strategy for lowering CO2 emissions. The strategy yields the lowest-cost, low-carbon power. The strategy uses existing generating assets with relatively low-cost modifications. Unlike wind and solar, power generation from co-firing sustains and creates jobs in a robust solid-fuel supply chain.  

Co-firing should be part of the portfolio of compliance strategies for the Clean Power Plan.

Read FutureMetrics’s recent white paper on the topic, “A rational and pragmatic off-ramp to a decarbonized future.”

The new dashboard and white paper can be downloaded from the FutureMetrics website:

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