Canadian Biomass Magazine

Free webinar to look at switchgrass, miscanthus value chains in bio-based products

May 24, 2021
By Mike Jiggens

Access to commercial quantities of sustainable, renewable and affordable feedstocks will play a key role in meeting net-zero emissions targets as well as the growing commitments by the private sector to reduce their carbon footprint by increasing the use of renewable energy and products.

Dedicated biomass crops have the potential to become one of the primary sources of feedstocks for bioenergy, biofuels and other bio-based products in the future, as projected by the US DOE, IRENA and IEA Bioenergy. Dedicated biomass crops such as switchgrass and miscanthus are grown specifically for their utilization in the production of renewable energy, chemicals, and materials in ways that do not displace food and feed production. If managed properly, these crops can diversify the rural economy, enhance biodiversity, sequester soil carbon and secure sustainable, renewable and affordable feedstocks for low-carbon economy.

A webinar entitled, “Advancement in switchgrass and miscanthus value chains in North America and the European Union and their use for bio-based products,” will be presented Thursday, June 17 from 4-5:30 p.m. CET (10-11:30 a.m. EST/7-8:30 a.m. PST) by the Biomass Canada Cluster/BBRG.

In this webinar, the recognized leaders in the production and use of switchgrass and miscanthus in North America and the European Union will share their progress in the development of switchgrass and miscanthus value chains and their use for bioenergy and bio-based products. This webinar provides an international perspective on the potential opportunities to advance lignocellulosic feedstock use for a sustainable, low-carbon economy.

Topics for presentation include:

• Introduction, Dr. Mahmood Ebadian, The University of British Columbia
• Progress of demonstrating miscanthus based value chains in the GRACE project, Dr. Andreas Kiesel, The University of Hohenheim (Stuttgart, Germany)
• Sustainable consumer products from perennial grass fiber, Dr. Sam Jackson, Genera
• Scaling giant miscanthus production and use in the USA, Travis Hedrick, AGgrow Tech
• Developing switchgrass and big bluestem as easy to grow low-cost crops for the biobased economy, Roger Samson, REAP-Canada
• Panel Discussion

To register for the free webinar, please click here.

To read more about the list of speakers, click Speakers.

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