Canadian Biomass Magazine

Free webinars on biomass heating, CHP

September 20, 2010
By i-Newswire


Free webinars on biomass heating, CHP
The U.S. Biomass Thermal Energy Council is offering a series of free educational webinars on topics important to the biomass thermal industry.

Sept. 20,
2010 – The U.S. Biomass Thermal Energy Council (BTEC) is offering a series of
free educational webinars on topics important to the biomass thermal industry.
The first in the series, The Opportunity of Biomass Thermal Energy: Renewable
Heating and CHP, will be held September 28, 2010, at 15:00 ET. This event is
made possible with funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Forest Service’s Wood Education and Resource Center. Advance registration is
required and is available online at

This webinar will
provide an overview of the biomass thermal industry, including market
background, woody and nonwoody feedstocks, supply chains, economic effects,
available technologies, and potential challenges and opportunities. Featured
presenters include Charlie Niebling, general manager of New England Wood
Pellet; T. J. Morice, vice-president of operations and marketing at Marth Wood
Supply; and Kyle Gibeault, deputy director of BTEC.

In June 2010, the
USDA Forest Service awarded BTEC a grant to advance education and outreach on
biomass thermal energy. The grant project will produce an array of educational
tools, including fact sheets, web resources, webinars, audio interviews, and a
slide presentation for use by all stakeholders. All tools are free and will be
publicly accessible on the BTEC website at

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