Canadian Biomass Magazine

FSC aims to streamline standards framework and boost market presence

October 19, 2015
By Pulp & Paper Canada

October 19, 2015 - With the release of the FSC Global Strategic Plan 2015-2020, the Forest Stewardship Council is declaring an intention to more than double its share of global forest-based trade in the next five years, to 20 per cent.

“Entering into our 22nd year, we know we have to be bold in our vision. Our membership, and our 30,000 certificate holders, have committed to working with us as we grow. But FSC is a market tool, and we can only achieve our mission if enough of the market is working towards the same goal. By aiming for 20 per cent we are choosing to take a leading role in shifting the global forest trend toward sustainable use, conservation, restoration, and respect for all,” stated FSC director general, Kim Carstensen.

The strategic plan was developed through consensus by the FSC International Board of Directors, and included extensive consultation with FSC staff, members, and stakeholders.

“I firmly believe the final version of the plan is a reflection of the aspirations and priorities of all those who work with FSC. It builds on our unique and defining quality as a convener of diverse groups, and outlines the steps we will take to shift the market towards responsible forest management,” said Carstensen.

The new FSC Global Strategic Plan 2015-2020 has an emphasis on increasing FSC certification in tropical countries, and providing voice to those most affected by mismanaged forests – Indigenous Peoples, workers, communities, women, and smallholders – while meeting the needs of our current certificate holders.

The strategic plan incorporates of three directions:
– Strengthen the FSC framework and governance;
– Increase the market value of FSC; and
– Transform the way we work.

“The three strategies that make up the strategic plan acknowledge FSC’s three core areas of focus – streamlining the FSC standards framework and governance; increasing the value of FSC in the marketplace; and the transformation needed within FSC to excel in these two core areas. We look forward to working with all our stakeholders and creating many new alliances over the next five years to make our strategy a reality,” concluded Carstensen.

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