Canadian Biomass Magazine

FutureMetrics tool values existing pellet plants

August 15, 2016
By Maria Church

Aug. 15, 2016 - The latest FutureMetrics dashboard tool can help buyers and sellers calculate the price of an existing pellet plant based on critical inputs. 


The valuation dashboard – which requires Adobe Flash to be installed and enabled as a plugin or extension in your browser – will calculate the number of tonnes per year of pellet feedstock needed based on pellet output and average moisture content (MC). It will also estimate power demand and the kWh’s needed per tonne of production. Users can watch the cash flow analysis change in real time and, while changing an offer price, watch the return on investment metrics also change in real time.

The price can be determined as a multiple of EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortizations) or the price can be manually entered. The dashboard shows the before tax IRR and NPV given the input assumptions and price.

This tool as well as other dashboards and white papers can be freely downloaded from the FutureMetrics website,

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