Canadian Biomass Magazine

FutureMetrics updates free, interactive dashboard

September 4, 2018
By FutureMetrics

Sept. 4, 2018 - FutureMetrics has updated one of its most popular free dashboards so that you can find the answers to the following questions:

  • What is the increased cost of generation when co-firing or full-firing pellets in a coal power plant?
  • How many tonnes of pellets will it take?
  • What are the carbon emissions benefits?
  • What level of carbon tax would make the generator incentivized to co-fire or full-fire pellets?
  • Can thermally treated waterproof pellets compete with traditional white pellets on the basis of delivered cost per gigajoule?

Answer these questions with your own set of inputs by using our fully interactive dashboard Power Plant Cost Calculator here (Link to download dashboard near bottom of page). 

Download our summary about waterproof thermally treated pellets here

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