Canadian Biomass Magazine

German biodiesel plant closes

November 7, 2012
By Argus Media

November 7, 2012, London, UK — US group Cargill and German firm Agravis Raiffeisen have closed their jointly owned 120,000 t/yr Wittenberge biodiesel plant in eastern Germany, Cargill confirmed today.

Cargill and Agravis opened the plant in 2000 to produce RME and glycerine for the European market as EU member states geared up to meet looming biofuels mandates.

The European biodiesel industry has since seen a wave of plant insolvencies and consolidation as producers have battled cheap imports, soaring feedstock costs and lost market share to double counted waste products. EU proposals to cap the amount of crop-based biofuel allowed into EU mandates at 5pc by 2020 have further clouded producers' prospects.

Cargill and Agravis are already in discussions with “potential investors” for the site, Cargill said. Cargill also operates a 250,000 t/yr biodiesel plant near Frankfurt in western Germany.

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