Canadian Biomass Magazine

Government commitment to renewable fuels in Ontario

May 3, 2013
By Canadian Renewable Fuels Association

May 3, 2013, Ottawa, Ont. - The Canadian Renewable Fuels Association (CRFA) welcomed the provincial government's commitment to renewable fuels use and production in Ontario.

As announced by Finance Minister Charles Sousa in today’s budget, the government will seek to repeal the existing biodiesel
tax exemption and undertake a formal consultation on the creation of a renewable diesel mandate, based on fuel
percentage and carbon intensity, for all diesel sold in Ontario. Such a mandate would reduce harmful greenhouse gas
emissions and encourage biodiesel production in the province.

“These consultations are a step in the right direction for Ontario,” said Kevin Norton, Chief Executive Officer of BIOX
Corporation. “Provincial mandates provide clarity for diesel refiners and importers. As the largest biodiesel producer in
Canada, the implementation of a renewable diesel mandate in Ontario would provide us with market certainty right in our
backyard and support the significant capital investment we have made at our Hamilton facility.”

Renewable and clean energy, such as biofuel, is proven to contribute directly to our economy, our environment, and the
strength of our agricultural sector.

“We are pleased to see Ontario working towards a minimum renewable fuel standard for diesel fuel marketed in the
Province,” said Todd Moser, Vice President and General Manager at Rothsay. “Creating stable market demand for renewable
fuels is an essential driver for continued investments in clean energy technologies from all levels of the value chain. A
mandate would help ensure Ontarians realize not only the strong economic benefits, but also the environmental advantages
that come from burning a cleaner more sustainable fuel in the most populous and traffic congested region of Canada.”

“Today’s announcement is welcome news for our renewable fuels industry and the farmers we work so closely with,” said
CRFA President W. Scott Thurlow. “Domestic biofuels production delivers proven environmental and economic benefits for
local communities – including cleaner air and more consumer choice at the fuel pump. We look forward to participating in
these important consultations and encourage political parties of all stripes to support this initiative without delay.”

The CRFA’s pre-budget submission to establish an Ontario mandate for renewable diesel was presented to the Standing
Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs on March 21, 2013 and can be viewed at,

Biodiesel 101

  • Biodiesel is a clean-burning renewable fuel typically made from vegetable oil or animal fats. It can be used in all diesel
    vehicles and provides as much power as normal diesel fuel.
  • In a B20 blend (which is 20 per cent biodiesel and 80 per cent petroleum diesel) biodiesel typically adds less than one
    penny per litre to the cost of the fuel.

Real Environmental Benefits

  • Biodiesel is a practical alternative fuel that cuts emissions from our diesel cars, trucks and trains.
  • Using biodiesel reduces carbon dioxide emissions and greenhouse gases by up to 99% compared with petroleum diesel.

Road Tested, Proven Reliable

  • Biodiesel is a high-performance fuel; it achieves the highest levels of automobile performance and improves engine-life.
  • Cold-weather biodiesel demonstration projects found there was no meaningful difference in fuel mileage.

About the CRFA

Founded in 1984, the Canadian Renewable Fuels Association (CRFA) is a non-profit organization with a mission to promote
the use of renewable fuels for transportation through consumer awareness and government liaison activities.

About BIOX Corporation

BIOX is a renewable energy company that owns and operates Canada’s largest biodiesel production facility, with a
nameplate capacity of 67 million litres per year. BIOX has an innovative, proprietary and patented production process that is
capable of producing the highest quality, renewable, clean burning and biodegradable biodiesel fuel utilizing a variety of
feedstocks – from pure seed oils to animal fats to recovered vegetable oils with no change to the production process. BIOX’s
high quality biodiesel fuel meets North American (ASTM D-6751) quality standards. BIOX is Canada’s largest biodiesel
producer and is focused on building, owning and operating a network of commercial scale biodiesel production facilities in
jurisdictions where clearly defined renewable fuel standards policies exist.

About Rothsay Biodiesel

As Canada’s first Commercial scale renewable diesel producer, Rothsay provides sustainable, value-added solutions
throughout Canada’s food and agribusiness supply chains for years. We collect food waste from local producers and turn it
into commercially available clean burning biodiesel that reduces greenhouse gases by as much as 99 percent compared to
petroleum based diesel. We also use renewable fuel blends in our own transportation fleet to significantly decrease our
environmental footprint and provided an additional source of environmental equity and sustainability to our customers.

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