Canadian Biomass Magazine

Growing penetration of renewable energy

May 16, 2013
By Wind-Works

May 16, 2013 – The penetration (the percentage of electricity generated by a particular resource) of renewable energy into the electricity supply mix of the U.S. and several European countries has been determined by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) of the U.S. Department of Energy.

A few countries that are showing steady growth are Portugal and Germany. Portugal, during the first quarter, generated three-quarters of its
electricity with renewable energy; and Germany, one-fifth of
all electricity was generated with renewables, most from new
sources like wind and solar.

Often the penetration of renewable energy is compared to the amount of
electricity consumed, because most new sources of renewable generation
are close to where the electricity is
consumed. Because of that, there is less electricity lost in transmission as
compared with that from a large, central-station, conventional power

For a survey of the penetration of renewable energy in selected countries visit,

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