Canadian Biomass Magazine

Growth in pellet demand pushing market

February 4, 2012
By Scott Jamieson

Feb 4, 2012 - An abundant U.S. wood supply and rising demand for sustainable power have created an investment market for woody biomass that offers “tremendous promise” for 2012, said a top official with Leaf Clean Energy Co.

From 2000 to 2010, wood pellets stood out as the fastest-growing home
heating fuel, according to census data, said Leaf Clean Energy director
Peter O'Keefe.

Biomass offers a secure solution in the face of current power supply
and base load, O'Keefe said during a webinar held by the American
Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE), reported Biomass Power &
Thermal Magazine.

Recent issues in the U.S. and elsewhere over nuclear energy have
refocused attention on biomass. European power companies rushing to meet
looming mandates for renewable energy are turning to wood pellets. Read more here.

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