Canadian Biomass Magazine

Hefler sawmill adds 3.1 MW CHP plant

August 3, 2013
By Scott Jamieson

August 3, 2013, Lower Sackville, NS - A sawmill in this Nova Scotia community has been given the green light to build a combined heat and power system fueled by mill waste.

Sawmill company Hefler Forest Product Ltd., received approval on
Aug. 2, for a small biomass project under the Community Feed-in Tariff
(COMFIT) Program. Benefits will be shared with in the local community
and throughout Nova Scotia.

"This demonstrates how businesses and
people in Sackville are focused on reducing their environmental
footprint while creating economic opportunities," said ministerial
assistant for Energy Mat Whynott, on behalf of Energy Minister Charlie
Parker. "Clean, green electricity is already successfully powering homes
and businesses throughout the province and this project will increase
those benefits for the community of Sackville and across Nova Scotia."

3.1 MW project is a combined heat and power plant. An environmental
impact statement has also been produced by Hefler Forest Products Ltd.

look forward to developing this project right in our backyard,
providing benefits for our community and the province," said Dugal
Prest, general manager of Heffler Fordest Products Ltd. "COMFIT projects
produce power in Nova Scotia, by Nova Scotians, and we are proud to be a
part of this exciting new initiative."

The company's plan to secure primary forest biomass has been approved by the Department of Natural Resources.

project, which will see the company use sawmill residue as a fuel
source, is further proof that Nova Scotians are dedicated to using
cleaner, renewable energy," said Whynot.

The 2010 Renewable
Electricity Plan introduced the COMFIT concept to help provide a secure
supply of clean energy at stable prices, build community support for
renewable energy projects and create jobs.

COMFIT offers Nova
Scotians an opportunity to become leaders in renewable energy, while
helping the province move away from fossil fuels and towards its
legislated goal of 40 per cent renewable energy by 2020.

For more information on the program, visit .

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