Canadian Biomass Magazine

HPBAC approves wood stove change-out program

June 9, 2016
By Andrew Snook

June 9, 2016 - Reports of a rural wood stove change-out program being included in Ontario’s Five Year Climate Action Plan 2016-2020 should be welcomed by both rural residents and climate protection enthusiasts in Ontario.

The Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association of Canada (HPBAC) looks forward to working with the government to ensure the smooth roll-out of the program.

Over half a million homeowners in Ontario get some or all of their space heating from wood stoves. While most use it for supplementary heat, as part of an effective zone heating system or to combat power outages, many others use it as their primary source of heating.

Did you know?

High efficiency stoves:
◦Require 30-50% less wood 
◦Produce up to 90% less GHG emissions

Local economic boost
◦The local benefits of the homegrown wood heat sector are often overlooked. With most firewood being sourced locally or even on one’s own property, the money paid for this heat source stays close to home and in the wallets of local businesses.

Affordable, renewable and virtually carbon neutral
◦Wisely managed, Ontario’s supply of wood suitable for residential heating is practically limitless. It is renewable, virtually carbon neutral and insulated from the vagaries of world petroleum pricing politics.
◦Health Canada recommends many of the industry’s new, low-emissions wood stoves, which emit up to 95% less particulate matter and only trace amounts of other chemicals. New model stoves are up to 20% more efficient, EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) certified in the USA and meet the requirements of CSA (Canadian Standards Association) B415 here in Canada.
◦Localized air quality issues associated with wood burning are almost always caused by old, outdated wood stoves or older technology outdoor wood boilers.  

Lower cost and labour savings
◦Often, the biggest attractions of new, efficient wood stoves are in resource and labour savings—in simple terms you need to gather and burn less wood to get the same amount of heat.

As the leading voice of the wood heat industry, HPBAC would like to remind Ontarians that offering incentives to make replacing older, inefficient wood-burning stoves will ensure that local economies receive an economic boost, while helping to combat climate change.

The Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association of Canada (HPBAC) is the Canadian industry association for manufacturers, retailers, distributors, representatives and service firms in the hearth industry. The association provides professional member services and support in education, statistics, government relations, marketing, advertising, and consumer education.  There are more than 575 members in the HPBAC.

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