Canadian Biomass Magazine

Industry info about new Tier 4 diesel engines

November 8, 2010
By Diesel Technology Forum

Tier 4 Downloadable PDF
Nov. 8, 2010 – Five off-road equipment industry associations have published a "frequently asked questions" (FAQ) report about Tier 4 technology, the next generation of clean diesel emissions standards.

Tier 4 Downloadable PDF    
Click here to download the PDF


Nov. 8, 2010 – Five off-road equipment industry associations have published
a "frequently asked questions" (FAQ) report about Tier 4 technology,
the next generation of clean diesel emissions standards established by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency under the U.S. federal Clean Air Act. These standards apply to new diesel engines used in
off-road equipment beginning in 2011.

"Many dealers and customers have questions about how
the new Tier 4 regulations will affect them," says Allen Schaeffer, Diesel
Technology Forum executive director. "So, together with our industry
partners, we've developed this information to help ease the transition for
prospective equipment owners, dealers, rental agencies, and others in the
off-road industry as the new rules come into effect."

The report includes emissions tables, technical graphics,
and other resources. Among the issues addressed in the report are:

  • How will the new Tier 4 engines be different from previous
  • Do the new Tier 4 engines require different fuel? Can I use
  • How will Tier 4 engines affect the value of my trade-ins?
  • What additional technician training and certifications are
    going to be needed?
  • What additional dealer diagnostic equipment will be needed?
  • What other emissions-related issues are we likely to hear
    about in the future?

The following groups are collaborating with the Diesel
Technology Forum
on the Tier 4 FAQ report: Associated Equipment Distributors,
Association of Equipment Manufacturers, American Rental Association, Farm
Equipment Manufacturers Association
, and North American Equipment Dealers
. The report is accessible through these industry websites, or click
here to read the report:

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