Canadian Biomass Magazine

Investigation ongoing into pellet ship death

July 17, 2014
By Canadian Biomass

July 17, 2014 – An investigation is continuing after one person was killed and four others were critically injured after entering a wood pellet cargo hold on an ocean vessel near Russia.

July 17, 2014 – An investigation is continuing after one
person was killed and four others were critically injured after entering a wood
pellet cargo hold on an ocean vessel near Russia.


According to information obtained by Canadian Biomass
magazine, the accident happened on board the MV Lady Irina, which was carrying
a shipment of pellets from Archangel in Russia to Kolding in Denmark.


On the evening of July 13th, a marine engineer is
said to have gone into the cargo hold to check on the pellets and did not
return. Four crew members went into the same area to see what was going on and
they also did not return.


The marine engineer did not survive, however, the four crew
members were flown to hospital and placed in a hyperbaric pressure chamber in
an attempt to re-oxygenate their blood.


This marks the 11th death recorded in the wood
pellet industry since 2002. It is not yet known what health and safety
precautions may have been missed leading up to the accident.

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