Canadian Biomass Magazine

La Cité Verte gets funding for district heat

June 21, 2010
By Natural Resources Canada


La Cité Verte gets funding for district heat
A Quebec biomass–based urban district heating demonstration project will receive up to $ 4.7 million through the government of Canada’s Clean Energy Fund.

June 21, 2010, Quebec City – A Quebec biomass–based
urban district heating demonstration project will receive up to $4.7 million
through the government of Canada’s Clean Energy Fund. The funding will help to
install biomass-based district heating in La Cité Verte, a special
environmentally friendly community. It will also support the management of
renewable energy and water consumption while using energy efficient design for
building and community energy systems.

“Our government is investing in Quebec’s biomass-based
urban central heating demonstration project with several partners to encourage
innovation and help create jobs for Quebecers,” says the Honourable Josée
Verner, minister of intergovernmental affairs, president of the Queen’s privy
council for Canada, minister for la francophonie, and minister responsible for
the Quebec region.

“La Cité Verte is a flagship project for the design
and execution of future real estate projects in Canada,” says SSQ Immobilier’s
CEO, Jean Morency.

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