Canadian Biomass Magazine

Leaders eye possibility of wood pellet heating system for community of Wekweètı̀, N.W.T.

February 5, 2024
By Mah Noor Mubarik

The senior administrative officer of Wekweètì, N.W.T., says his community is mulling over the possibility of switching to wood biomass as a way to heat homes.

The idea, said Fred Behrens, is to install a biomass district heating system that would help provide heat to all the homes in the community.

It would involve a wood boiler, and a series of pipes that would connect each of Wekweètì’s 28 households, as well as 10 larger buildings to provide heat.

Read the complete story here.

This article is part of the Bioheat Week 2023. Read more articles about bioheat in Canada.

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