Canadian Biomass Magazine

Liverpool port progresses biomass development

March 12, 2013
By Argus Media

March 12, 2013, London, UK — UK port group Peel Ports is pushing ahead with its planned £150mn ($223m) biomass development at the port of Liverpool on the UK west coast after issuing a tender for the construction and implementation of a “biomass import, storage and out loading to rail” facility.

The port plans to install 350,000t of wood pellet storage by the end of September 2014, as well as discharge, conveyor and rail loading facilities.

Work is due to begin in July this year and will be completed in one or two phases. If completed in two phases the first phase will construct 100,000t of wood pellet storage and will cost around £60mn, with the second phase adding a further 250,000t of storage, at a cost of £90mn.

Peel would not confirm whether it had entered partnership agreements with any of the utilities currently consuming wood pellets in the UK, but the port is located close to several plants, including UK-owned plants Drax and Eggborough, German utility Eon's Ironbridge facility, and UK-based International Power's Rugeley plant — all of which are currently consuming or are expected to start consuming wood pellets in the near future.

Peel Group subsidiary Peel Energy plans to build three 20MW dedicated biomass plants, in Manchester, Cheshire and Fort William, Scotland. The Cheshire and Fort William plants both have planning approval, while Peel appealed the council's decision to reject planning permits for the Manchester plant, which has received full environmental permits.

UK developer RES is also looking to build a 150MW dedicated biomass plant at Alexandra Docks, Liverpool. The plant is currently in the planning phase.

The tender for Liverpool port will be carried out by electronic auction and requests to participate must be received by 26 April.

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